Generative AI refers to a class of artificial intelligence algorithms and models that are designed to generate new content that is similar to, but not identical to, the data they were trained on. These models learn the underlying patterns and structures of the data they are exposed to and then use that understanding to create new content.
Dottod was an incredible tool that allowed us to take images of things and converted it into an AI generated image through prompts. We took images of trees, donuts, and the two of us to see how AI perceives beauty standards and gruesome things in general. We realised that AI is not yet trained to generate 'ugly' things. We tried multiple prompts to make it more disgusting however the AI was unable to do so.
Modmatrix was an excellent tool that we could use to create an AI prototype. It was very approachable and easy to use and allowed us to easily incorporate AI into our personal projects. Below you can see the AI generated images and the AI prototypes.
This Extended Intelligences Seminar was completely different than I imagined. I was expecting a seminar that was heavily coding based however with the help of Peitro and Chris, the seminar was extremely comprehensible, easy to follow and very fun!
Working with the two tools that were provided to us, allowed me to understand AI slightly better. Getting to know how much AI is yet to evolve and how far it is already come. I learned a lot about the history, the origins, the development, the way it can be trained and how I may use it in my projects. I also got an idea on how may I design with AI in this current world and how it shapes the future of design.
DOTTOD showed me the reality of generative AI and the development of images through it. I learned that to treat AI as a tool to help me rather than a solution. Working with Modmatrix was super fun, I was able to create multiple different mediums of prototypes to experiment with it and to see how I may use it later on. It gave me excellent text prompts to guide my ideation and aesthetic images that were not understandable but looked pretty.
Overall, the seminar was so refreshing, extremely insightful and now that we have such helpful tools that allow us to work with AI more makes the AI seem not so alien. Chris and Peitro were super helpful and kind and the tools they have created are incredible.
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