Learning how to perceive and showcase my projects is an important practice to master, especially in such sensitive times. This seminar was an great module that allowed me to go back to middle school and learn how to tell a story. Doing the activity of the golden circle was a fun way to realize what my project point is, how and why I need to achieve it.
Flora's Interview
Manuja's Interview
Communication Presentation Summary for Flora by me
Communication Presentation Summary for me by Flora
Engaging in the process of creating a Golden Circle and conducting stakeholder mapping has been an illuminating journey in my design practice. These tools not only provide structure and direction but also offer profound insights into the essence of design interventions and projects. Through the tandem project with a partner, I have come to appreciate the significance of these activities even more.
The Golden Circle, popularized by Simon Sinek, urges us to delve deep into the core of our purpose by asking three fundamental questions: "Why, How, and What." This framework compels us to start with the Why, the driving force behind our actions, before moving on to How we execute them, and finally, What we actually do. This introspective process is invaluable as it fosters clarity of purpose and enables us to align our design interventions with our core values and objectives. By articulating the Why of our projects, we not only inspire others but also cultivate a deeper sense of meaning and fulfillment in our work.
Similarly, stakeholder mapping serves as a vital tool in understanding the diverse network of individuals and entities affected by our design interventions. By identifying and analyzing stakeholders, we gain a comprehensive understanding of their needs, concerns, and aspirations. This knowledge empowers us to design more inclusive and sustainable solutions that cater to the diverse interests of all stakeholders involved. Moreover, stakeholder mapping fosters collaboration and fosters relationships built on trust and empathy, laying the foundation for meaningful and impactful design outcomes.
The experience of undertaking a tandem project with a partner has been particularly enlightening. Collaborating closely with someone who shares similar passions but approaches design from a different perspective has enriched my understanding of my own area of focus. Through our collaboration, we were able to learn from each other's projects and exchange ideas, thus broadening our horizons and deepening our insights into the design process. Moreover, the synergies generated through our partnership enabled us to tackle complex challenges more effectively and explore innovative solutions that we might not have considered individually.
In conclusion, the practice of conducting a Golden Circle and stakeholder mapping is indispensable for designers seeking to create meaningful and impactful interventions and projects. These tools not only provide a framework for strategic decision-making but also foster a deeper understanding of purpose and empathy towards stakeholders. Furthermore, engaging in collaborative endeavors, such as tandem projects, offers invaluable opportunities for mutual learning and growth, ultimately enriching our design practice and enabling us to make a positive difference in the world.
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